
Experiencing Dream Space (Dublin)

Dream Space exists to spark the imaginations of students at primary and post-primary school. Over the last five years, Dream Space has hosted tens of thousands of students in One Microsoft Place, Dublin. In Academic Year 2023/2024, we will be hosting all Leinster schools in the STEM Passport for Inclusion program as well as schools from across all provinces who have never had the opportunity to visit us and learn about the power of STEM in their classrooms before.
Before your session

What is STEM Passport for Inclusion?

The All-Ireland STEM Passport for Inclusion programme, led by Dr.Katriona O’Sullivan, is a joint initiative of the Assistive Living and Learning (ALL) Institute of Maynooth University and Microsoft. This programme addresses inequalities with access to STEM careers among students in socially disadvantaged communities with an innovative approach that combines an educational qualification (Level 6 NFQ), education supports, and mentoring from industry role models while students are in secondary school. The national roll-out of the programme (2023-2025), which is funded by Microsoft, Science Foundation Ireland, and the Department of Education, delivers a unique pathway for approximately 5,000 students to progress to 3rd level education and achieve a STEM qualification. This year, Dream Space will host the majority of Leinster schools as part of their STEM Passport for Inclusion journey.

Dream Space visits – reaching schools who have never reached us

Dream Space visits – reaching schools who have never reached us

With the remaining 10 weeks in our calendar that we can host groups outside of STEM Passport for Inclusion, we want to give schools the opportunity to reach us that have never had the chance to visit before. If you are one of these schools, you can express your interest to our team (note: this does not guarantee that you will get a slot due to demand). If you have been to visit before and were hoping to engage with us again, please make sure to check out our other opportunities via the “Experience Dream Space tab” or via our homepage as we have lots of other ways to keep the learning going with our Dream Space team.